Unedited Commentary on Laredo's Building Industry

  • By Sheri Alba
  • 06 Feb, 2019

Members submit commentary regarding the issues and challenges  with regard to the challenges faced by the local building industry

Entry #1 Submitted 02/06/19
Message: Utility Department Discussion points:
1. we need a design criteria manual for water and wastewater as design criteria based on OSS review seems to vary between projects;
2. we need access to City's GIS water and wastewater database and master plan so we can incorporate into our master plans for respective development projects;
3. we need to confirm why we need to provide as built info for the deflections of the pipe that is placed underground when we don't even GPS this;
4. we need to develop a checklist sheet that can be distributed to all city departments that show when utility fees have been paid including annexation, water availability, gpm fee, bulk water, etc. This affects recording of plats in a timely manner.
5. we need to respect approved plans and not update them during construction.

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