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Laredo Builders Blog

Submit your commentary on the local building industry to start a conversation towards change and improvement. Name and email is not required to submit your comment. All posts will be displayed anonymously on our blog below. 

Industry Input

COMMENTS RECEIVED: (Most Recent First)

Entry #13 02/18/20:
Name: Orlando Navarro  Email: orlando@compassStx.com
Message: What role does the Utility department (Ria's office) have in the Planning "One Stop Shop" Process and the Building Permit "One Stop Shop" process? 

Entry #12 02/18/20:
Name: daniel wyers Email: daniel_wyers@hotmail.com Message: Annexation Fees

Entry #11 02/07/20: Name: Andy Gonzalez Email: agonzalez@killamco.com
Message: Seems that there is a disconnect between plan reviewers within this Department. Plans have been submitted to the Building Department however the Utilities portion of the plans isn't reviewed or not by the proper division of the Utilities Department, i.e. solid waste vs engineering sections of the Department. Contractors and Developers require timely turnaround of plans and being delayed months due to lack of communication by the different Departments has a negative impact on our industry.

Entry #10 07/08/19: Electrical contractors To have access to view and apply for electrical permits on line. To request inspections on lines. To have a written clarification on after hours emergency calls. To have meetings with electrical inspectors for current and for future updated Info

Entry #9 07/08/19: When will city put together an series of webinars on proposed new changes for builders, students, interested citizens to learn rules and purpose of city planning?

Entry #8 04/25/19 : Need 100% clarity on what has to be already installed on a home for inspector to do the FINAL INSPECTIONS. 
plumbing, mechanical, electrical, building.

Entry #7 02/12/19: Back fill methods for utility lines differ from site to site. city specifications have a specified method of back-filling and testing.

Entry #6 02/12/19: Testing for Sidewalks is over kill. The same area has been previously tested for Sanitary sewer and Water mail trenches.

Entry #5 02/12/19: Minor deflections in pipe are allowed as per manufacturers recommendation. Utilities department increases the number of bends creating additional weak points in the water main. This can be reduced if manufacturers recommendation are followed. 

Entry #4 02/12/19: effluent water lines are currently being enforced standard as color of pipe for fire protection loop. In the future this will create confusion. 

Entry #3 02/08/19

1. Utilities Department is constantly changing plans after the approval is obtained. This greatly increases project time frame and budget when these decisions are made by constant revolving policy(s). Many changes go against the design that the Engineer of Record has provided and do not include input from the design Engineer. 

2. Inspectors are changing plans out on the field without consulting the Engineers. The message is conveyed to the contractor to provide to the Engineers. 

3. Materials, specifications and policy changes should be vetted and approved in a consistent matter that includes private and public sector, with a proper approval procedure and not just forced into projects at anytime. 

4. Decision makers should be present at the review meetings of One Stop Shop. 

5. Access to Utility information portals can greatly decrease lag time in projects and will keep the Engineering community better informed of issues and statuses prior to submitting. 

6. As-Builts take a long time to approve. There has to be some trust and accountability with the Engineer of Record to provide correct information. 

7. Existing developments that have services, especially when the utilities Department bills the tract for the services, should be stream lined faster through the approval process. Early service construction didn't require above ground markers, however evidence of these services exist. These replats or plats should be streamlined quicker without additional information (potholing, etc.) when as builts exist and bills are sent to the owners. This will greatly help the public in achieving their objective without such a high cost.

Entry #2 02/07/19

1. we need written approval for test results on water tests; this should be posted on line for contractors to advise engineers and developers that lines have been tested and passed. 
2. we need for inspectors to stop making revisions to plans without consulting with project engineers. need a better process or better details; 
3. city needs to define if they are going to review and inspect private water and sewer lines; if they are, then these lines should be maintained by city; 

Entry #1 02/06/19

Message: Utility Department Discussion points: 
1. we need a design criteria manual for water and wastewater as design criteria
based on OSS review seems to vary between projects; 
2. we need access to City's GIS water and wastewater database and master plan so
we can incorporate into our master plans for respective development projects; 
3. we need to confirm why we need to provide as built info for the deflections
of the pipe that is placed underground when we don't even GPS this; 
4. we need to develop a checklist sheet that can be distributed to all city
departments that show when utility fees have been paid including annexation,
water availability, gpm fee, bulk water, etc. This affects recording of plats
in a timely manner. 
5. we need to respect approved plans and not update them during construction. 

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